Bučke patišon razred Patti-grin-tint F1

fotografija Bučke patišon razred Patti-grin-tint F1

Bučke patišon razred Patti-grin-tint F1 fotografija

opis in značilnosti:

barva plodazelena
barva celulozebela
masa plodamanj 300 g
uporabakonzerviranje, kulinarično obdelavo, sveži

Patti-grin-tint F1 rast, gojenje in nega:

obdobje zorenjazgodaj

*Nekatere značilnosti so pomembne za zmerno podnebje

Lahko kupite Bučke patišon razred Patti-grin-tint F1 v spletnih trgovinah (semena in sadike).

Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!


Prosim, pomagajte projektu: Hvala vam!

3,73 € (0,25 € / stück)

5,99 €

4,82 €

2,45 €

2,30 €

2,75 €

2,45 €

3,25 €

2,19 € (0,31 € / stück)

1,99 € (0,10 € / stück)

2,21 €

4,90 €
$15.98 ($0.01 / Count) 10 Heirloom Lettuce and Leafy Greens Seeds - 1500 Seeds - Non GMO Seeds for Planting - Kale, Spinach, Butter, Oak, Romaine, Iceberg, Bibb, Arugula | Hydroponic Home Vegetable
$11.99 ($0.00 / Count) Red Flanders Poppies - 50,000 Flanders Poppy Seeds - Marde Ross & Company
$9.99 ($0.12 / Count) 80 Mixed Four O'Clock Seeds - Tender Perennial That Reseeds Easily
$9.95 ($4.98 / Count) TickleMe Plant Seeds Packets (2) Easter Egg Stuffer, Earth Day or Party Favor! Leaves Fold Together When You Tickle It. Great Science Fun, Green and Educational.
$18.98 ($0.00 / Count) 90,000 Wildflower Seeds - 3oz Pure Wild Flower Seed Pack - 18 Variety - Perennial Flower Seeds for Attracting Birds & Butterflies - Open Pollinated, Flower Garden Seeds for Planting Outdoors
$9.50 Wayland Chiles Carolina Reaper Seeds (Red)


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Vrtno Cvetje, Okrasne Rastline