Outsidepride Crimson Clover Seed: Nitro-Coated, Inoculated - 5 LBS, new 2025, best price $24.99 ($5.00 / Pound) review

Outsidepride Crimson Clover Seed: Nitro-Coated, Inoculated - 5 LBS Photo, new 2025, best price $24.99 ($5.00 / Pound) review

Outsidepride Crimson Clover Seed: Nitro-Coated, Inoculated - 5 LBS Photo

$24.99 ($5.00 / Pound) You can buy now!

Outsidepride Crimson Clover Seed: Nitro-Coated, Inoculated - 5 LBS description and characteristics:

  • Crimson clover offers a high protein supply which provides whitetail deer and other wildlife with needed nutrients for growth. Crimson clover can also be used in hay production or as a cover crop. Crimson clover is a can also be planted for forage and hay in livestock pastures. When planted in the fall, Crimson clover makes for a great late winter grazing crop and will thrive when planted with grasses as well.
  • A winter annual, crimson clover is grown from bulk clover seeds from the Gulf Coast region to Southern Ohio clear to the West Coast. It is tolerant of medium soil acidity and will grow readily on both sandy and clay type soils. It is an important winter annual forage in the south, with growth continuing through the winter with the amount influenced by temperature.
  • Crimson clover thrives in mixture with grasses, provides excellent winter grazing, makes good hay. It is high in nutritive value when harvested for forage in the pre-bloom stage. Flower heads are long, crimson, and very showy. Crimson clover seeds and annual ryegrass make an excellent cover crop mixture for improving the texture, organic matter and tilth of soil.
  • These heirloom seeds are non-gmo and open pollinated. Rest assured these are quality seeds. Our crimson seed is coated and inoculated for optimum germination and growth.
  • High quality, productive, palatable cool season forage for deer. It starts fast, withstands heavy continuous grazing and produces a consistent, heavy seed crop with good reseeding potential. Dixie reseeding crimson clover is an important component of many of Pennington's Rackmaster Wildlife Seed mixtures. Sow seeds at 1/2 - 3/4 lb per 1,000 square feet or 20 to 30 lbs per acre.

Outsidepride Crimson Clover Seed: Nitro-Coated, Inoculated - 5 LBS, new 2025, best price $24.99 ($5.00 / Pound) review

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