Raw Shelled Pumpkin Seeds-Pepitas, 3 lb-Candymax, new 2025, best price $24.98 ($0.52 / Ounce) review

Raw Shelled Pumpkin Seeds-Pepitas, 3 lb-Candymax Photo, new 2025, best price $24.98 ($0.52 / Ounce) review

Raw Shelled Pumpkin Seeds-Pepitas, 3 lb-Candymax Photo

$24.98 ($0.52 / Ounce) You can buy now!

Raw Shelled Pumpkin Seeds-Pepitas, 3 lb-Candymax description and characteristics:

  • Raw Shelled Pumpkin Seeds-Pepitas

Raw Shelled Pumpkin Seeds-Pepitas, 3 lb-Candymax, new 2025, best price $24.98 ($0.52 / Ounce) review

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$26.84 ($0.89 / Ounce) Superseedz Gourmet Roasted Pumpkin Seeds | Somewhat Spicy | Whole 30, Paleo, Vegan & Keto Snacks | 8g Plant Based Protein | Produced In USA | Nut Free | Gluten Free Snack | (6-pack, 5oz each)
$7.99 ($3.55 / ounce) David All Natural Roasted & Salted Pumpkin Seeds 2.25 oz
$24.98 ($0.52 / Ounce) Raw Shelled Pumpkin Seeds-Pepitas, 3 lb-Candymax
$36.30 ($1.13 / Ounce) OliveNation Pumpkin Seeds (in the shell) Roasted Salted 32 ounces
$17.11 ($1.07 / Ounce) OliveNation Roasted Salted Pumpkin Seeds in the Shell, Dry Roasted, Whole Seeds, Healthy Snack - 16 ounces
$10.99 ($1.10 / Ounce) Spectrum Essentials Organic Ground Chia Seed, 10 Oz
$6.00 Organic Vegetable Seed Packages-1/8oz. Bulk Vegetable Seed (Organic Big Max Pumpkin)
$10.69 ($1.34 / Ounce) OliveNation Roasted Salted Pumpkin Seeds in the Shell, Dry Roasted, Whole Seeds, Healthy Snack - 8 ounces
$9.95 10 Iran, Pumpkin Seed (Calabaza) Jumbo Squash,50 Plus Pound Fruits
$15.99 ($0.91 / Ounce) Dilkhush Chia Seeds and Raw Pumpkin Seeds (Combo of 2)
$29.50 ($10.46 / Ounce) Wholesale PICHIRILO ROASTED PUMPKIN SEEDS 2.82 OZ
$9.28 ($9.28 / Count) Buy Whole Foods Organic Pumpkin Seeds (125g)
$11.15 ($11.15 / Count) Buy Whole Foods Organic Pumpkin Seeds (European)(125g)
$39.99 ($2.50 / Ounce) Smarty Stop Seeds Collections ~ Healthy Snacks (Roasted Salted Pumpkin Seeds, 5 LB)
$21.24 ($6.07 / Ounce) Organic Traditions Austian Pumpkin Seeds, 3.5 Ounce
$210.08 ($210.08 / Count) Bulk Seeds Pumpkin Seed Raw Usa - Single Bulk Item - 27LB
$41.57 ($41.57 / Count) Buy Whole Foods Organic Pumpkin Seeds (1kg)
$30.23 ($30.23 / Count) Buy Whole Foods Organic Pumpkin Seeds (European) (500g)

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