Motley Aquarium Fishes

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Chaetodontoplus Photo and care
Photo Chaetodontoplus
Chaetodontoplus Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
family: Angels
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Grey, Motley, Black
light needs: Scattered
body shape of fish: Oval
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Genicanthus Photo and care
Photo Genicanthus
Genicanthus Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
family: Angels
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
color of fish: White, Motley, Striped
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Oval
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King angelfish Photo and care
Photo King angelfish
King angelfish characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
family: Angels
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand, Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 20°C
length of fish: 20-30 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Triangular
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Chromis Photo and care
Photo Chromis
Chromis Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
family: Damselfish
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Brown, Motley, Black, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Green
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Oval
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Lagoon damselfish Photo and care
Photo Lagoon damselfish
Lagoon damselfish characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
family: Damselfish
type of aquarium: Close
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
color of fish: Motley
body shape of fish: Oval
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Pomacentrus Photo and care
Photo Pomacentrus
Pomacentrus Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
family: Damselfish
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
compatibility: Aquarium Species
color of fish: Motley, Blue, Yellow, Brown, Light Blue
light needs: Scattered
body shape of fish: Oval
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Stegastes Photo and care
Photo Stegastes
Stegastes Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
family: Damselfish
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
compatibility: Aquarium Species
color of fish: Motley, Yellow, White, Grey
light needs: Scattered
body shape of fish: Oval
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Lined butterflyfish Photo and care
Photo Lined butterflyfish
Lined butterflyfish characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
family: Butterflyfish
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 20-30 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Bright
body shape of fish: Oval
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Red checkered butterfly Photo and care
Photo Red checkered butterfly
Red checkered butterfly Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
family: Butterflyfish
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Bright
body shape of fish: Oval
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Pyramid butterflyfish Photo and care
Photo Pyramid butterflyfish
Pyramid butterflyfish characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
family: Butterflyfish
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Bright
body shape of fish: Oval
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Black pyramid (Brushy-toothed) butterflyfish Photo and care
Photo Black pyramid (Brushy-toothed) butterflyfish
Black pyramid (Brushy-toothed) butterflyfish characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
family: Butterflyfish
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Bright
body shape of fish: Oval
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Tinkeri Butterflyfish Photo and care
Photo Tinkeri Butterflyfish
Tinkeri Butterflyfish characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
family: Butterflyfish
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Oval
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Longnose Atlantic Butterflyfish Photo and care
Photo Longnose Atlantic Butterflyfish
Longnose Atlantic Butterflyfish characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
family: Butterflyfish
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Triangular
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Pseudanthias Photo and care
Photo Pseudanthias
Pseudanthias Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
family: Anthias
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Open, Close
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 1000 Liters
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Red, Yellow, Striped, Motley, Green
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Oval
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Fathead Sunburst Anthias Photo and care
Photo Fathead Sunburst Anthias
Fathead Sunburst Anthias Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
family: Anthias
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close, Open
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 1000 Liters
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Oval
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Bicolor parrot fish Photo and care
Photo Bicolor parrot fish
Bicolor parrot fish characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
family: Parrotfish
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: More Than 50 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 1000 Liters
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Scattered
body shape of fish: Elongated
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Bicolor goatfish Photo and care
Photo Bicolor goatfish
Bicolor goatfish characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
family: Goatfish
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close, Open
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 20-30 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Elongated
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Bicolor Dottyback Photo and care
Photo Bicolor Dottyback
Bicolor Dottyback Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
family: Basslets
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Oval
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Double Striped Dottyback Photo and care
Photo Double Striped Dottyback
Double Striped Dottyback Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
family: Dottybacks
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Elongated
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Neon Dottyback Photo and care
Photo Neon Dottyback
Neon Dottyback Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
family: Dottybacks
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Elongated
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Orangetail Dottyback Photo and care
Photo Orangetail Dottyback
Orangetail Dottyback Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
family: Dottybacks
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Elongated
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Carberryi Anthias Photo and care
Photo Carberryi Anthias
Carberryi Anthias Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
family: Anthias
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Elongated
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Evansi Anthias Photo and care
Photo Evansi Anthias
Evansi Anthias Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Moderate
body shape of fish: Elongated
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Tail Spot Blenny Photo and care
Photo Tail Spot Blenny
Tail Spot Blenny Aquarium Fishes characteristics and care
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer
family: Blennies
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
temperature of water: Near 25°C
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
color of fish: Motley
light needs: Scattered
body shape of fish: Elongated
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Motley Aquarium Fishes

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