Aquarium Pupfish 1 - characteristics and Photo

Aquarium Pupfish

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Cynolebias nigripinnis  Photo and care
Photo Cynolebias nigripinnis
Aquarium Fishes Cynolebias nigripinnis care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
care level: Moderate
temperament: Active
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Spotted
temperature of water: Near 20°C
type of aquarium: Open
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Oval
light needs: Scattered
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Aphyolebias  Photo and care
Photo Aphyolebias
Aquarium Fishes Aphyolebias care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
care level: Easy
temperament: Calm
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 20 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
color of fish: Striped
temperature of water: Near 20°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Subulate
light needs: Moderate
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Nematolebias whitei  Photo and care
Photo Nematolebias whitei
Aquarium Fishes Nematolebias whitei care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Top Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
care level: Easy
temperament: Calm
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 20 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Brown
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Moderate
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Nothobranchius  Photo and care
Photo Nothobranchius
Aquarium Fishes Nothobranchius care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
care level: Easy
temperament: Calm
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 20 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
color of fish: Red, Spotted, Striped, Motley, Light Blue
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Moderate
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Pseudepiplatys annulatus  Photo and care
Photo Pseudepiplatys annulatus
Aquarium Fishes Pseudepiplatys annulatus care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Top Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
care level: Easy
temperament: Calm
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 20 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Striped
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Moderate
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Aplocheilus lineatus  Photo and care
Photo Aplocheilus lineatus
Aquarium Fishes Aplocheilus lineatus care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Top Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
care level: Easy
temperament: Calm
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Gold
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Moderate
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Aphyosemion  Photo and care
Photo Aphyosemion
Aquarium Fishes Aphyosemion care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
care level: Moderate
temperament: Calm
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
color of fish: Light Blue, Striped, Spotted, Red
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Muted
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Diamond Killifish  Photo and care
Photo Diamond Killifish
Diamond Killifish care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Top Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
care level: Moderate
temperament: Active
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Striped
temperature of water: 27-28°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Oval
light needs: Moderate
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Aphanius  Photo and care
Photo Aphanius
Aquarium Fishes Aphanius care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
color of fish: Motley, Striped, Spotted, Blue
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Muted
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Austrolebias alexandri  Photo and care
Photo Austrolebias alexandri
Aquarium Fishes Austrolebias alexandri care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
care level: Moderate
temperament: Active
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Striped
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close, Open
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Oval
light needs: Scattered
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Cyprinodon  Photo and care
Photo Cyprinodon
Aquarium Fishes Cyprinodon care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
color of fish: Spotted, Blue, Silver, Striped, Light Blue
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Oval
light needs: Muted
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Epiplatys  Photo and care
Photo Epiplatys
Aquarium Fishes Epiplatys care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
color of fish: Pink, Motley, Striped, Red
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Scattered
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Fundulopanchax  Photo and care
Photo Fundulopanchax
Aquarium Fishes Fundulopanchax care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
color of fish: Red, Purple, Spotted, Striped, Motley, Brown
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Scattered
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Gulf-Killifish  Photo and care
Photo Gulf-Killifish
Gulf-Killifish care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
care level: Easy
temperament: Calm
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 20 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Striped
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Moderate
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Garmanella pulchra  Photo and care
Photo Garmanella pulchra
Aquarium Fishes Garmanella pulchra care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 20 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Yellow
temperature of water: Near 20°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Oval
light needs: Scattered
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Sunny Zonatus, Banded Longfin  Photo and care
Photo Sunny Zonatus, Banded Longfin
Aquarium Fishes Sunny Zonatus, Banded Longfin care and characteristics
family: Pupfish
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Striped
temperature of water: Near 20°C
type of aquarium: Close, Open
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Scattered
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Jordanella floridae  Photo and care
Photo Jordanella floridae
Aquarium Fishes Jordanella floridae care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Green
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Oval
light needs: Moderate
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Kryptolebias  Photo and care
Photo Kryptolebias
Aquarium Fishes Kryptolebias care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Spotted, Grey
temperature of water: Near 20°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Moderate
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Leptolebias  Photo and care
Photo Leptolebias
Aquarium Fishes Leptolebias care and characteristics
family: Pupfish
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Spotted
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
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Maratecoara  Photo and care
Photo Maratecoara
Aquarium Fishes Maratecoara care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Spotted, Motley, Pink
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Moderate
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Megalebias  Photo and care
Photo Megalebias
Aquarium Fishes Megalebias care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
temperament: Aggressive
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Spotted
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close, Open
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Scattered
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Micromoema  Photo and care
Photo Micromoema
Aquarium Fishes Micromoema care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 20 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
color of fish: Spotted
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Scattered
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Notholebias  Photo and care
Photo Notholebias
Aquarium Fishes Notholebias care and characteristics
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
color of fish: Striped, Brown
temperature of water: Near 25°C
type of aquarium: Close, Open
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
light needs: Moderate
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Papiliolebias bitteri  Photo and care
Photo Papiliolebias bitteri
Aquarium Fishes Papiliolebias bitteri care and characteristics
family: Pupfish
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
color of fish: Spotted
habitat: Freshwater Fish
body shape of fish: Elongated
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Aquarium Pupfish

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