Garden Flowers Florists Mum, Pot Mum (Chrysanthemum)
Latin name: Chrysanthemum orange pink blue yellow red white
Garden Flowers Florists Mum, Pot Mum (Chrysanthemum) Photo
description and characteristics:
height of plant (cm) 30-70 cm
type of stem erect
poisonous plant not poisonous plant
fragrant flower fragrance
flower size middle
lifetime perennial
flower color pink, blue, yellow, orange, red, white
timing of flowering autumn, august
Florists Mum, Pot Mum growing, cultivation and care:
cold hardiness zone 4 (-34 to -29°C) , 5 (-29 to -23°C) , 6 (-23 to -18°C) , 7 (-18 to -12°C) , 8 (-12 to -7°C) , 9 (-7 to -1°C)
shelter in winter shelter is not required
frost resistance frost resistance
landscape use (landscape design) flowerbed, specimen, border
method of cultivation non seedlings
light needs semi-shade, full sun
soil acidity neutral soil
soil type sandy loam soil, loamy soil
water needs moderate
*Some characteristics are relevant for a temperate climate
You can buy Garden Flowers Florists Mum, Pot Mum (Chrysanthemum) in online stores (seed and seedlings).
catalog: Garden Flowers
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