![Photo Sadko characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/4_4_sadko_sm.jpg) Photo Sadko
Gooseberry Sadko characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: big (more 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: medium (from 1 to 1.5 m)
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![Photo Russkijj characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/7_7_russkijj_sm.jpg) Photo Russkijj
Gooseberry Russkijj characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: big (more 5 g) use: universal hardiness: medium plant height: high (more 1.5 m)
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![Photo Kaptivator characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/11_11_kaptivator_sm.jpg) Photo Kaptivator
Gooseberry Kaptivator characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: big (more 5 g) use: universal hardiness: medium
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![Photo Besshipnyjj characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/16_16_besshipnyjj_sm.jpg) Photo Besshipnyjj
Gooseberry Besshipnyjj characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: big (more 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: high (more 1.5 m)
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![Photo Zashhitnik characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/22_21_zashhitnik_sm.jpg) Photo Zashhitnik
Gooseberry Zashhitnik characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: black taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: big (more 5 g) use: mensal hardiness: medium plant height: high (more 1.5 m)
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![Photo Russkijj krasnyjj characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/30_29_russkijj_krasnyjj_sm.jpg) Photo Russkijj krasnyjj
Gooseberry Russkijj krasnyjj characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: average (from 3 to 5 g) use: universal hardiness: medium plant height: high (more 1.5 m)
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![Photo Smena characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/31_30_smena_sm.jpg) Photo Smena
Gooseberry Smena characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: average (from 3 to 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: high (more 1.5 m)
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![Photo Finik characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/40_39_finik_sm.jpg) Photo Finik
Gooseberry Finik characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: big (more 5 g) use: universal hardiness: medium plant height: high (more 1.5 m)
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![Photo Russkijj chernyjj characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/47_46_russkijj_chernyjj_sm.jpg) Photo Russkijj chernyjj
Gooseberry Russkijj chernyjj characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: average (from 3 to 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high
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![Photo Grushenka characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/56_54_grushenka_sm.jpg) Photo Grushenka
Gooseberry Grushenka characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: average (from 3 to 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: medium (from 1 to 1.5 m)
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![Photo Snezhana characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/61_59_snezhana_sm.jpg) Photo Snezhana
Gooseberry Snezhana characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: green taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: average (from 3 to 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: high (more 1.5 m)
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![Photo Sirius (Gulliver) characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/64_62_sirius_gulliver_sm.jpg) Photo Sirius (Gulliver)
Gooseberry Sirius (Gulliver) characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: average (from 3 to 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: medium (from 1 to 1.5 m)
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![Photo Legin characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/71_68_legin_sm.jpg) Photo Legin
Gooseberry Legin characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: big (more 5 g) use: universal plant height: low (less 1 m)
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![Photo Masheka characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/75_72_masheka_sm.jpg) Photo Masheka
Gooseberry Masheka characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: yellow taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: average (from 3 to 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: medium (from 1 to 1.5 m)
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![Photo Kooperator characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/77_74_kooperator_sm.jpg) Photo Kooperator
Gooseberry Kooperator characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: black taste: sweet the size of the fruit: big (more 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: medium (from 1 to 1.5 m)
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![Photo Serenada characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/79_76_serenada_sm.jpg) Photo Serenada
Gooseberry Serenada characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: average (from 3 to 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: high (more 1.5 m)
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![Photo Shershnevskijj characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/85_82_shershnevskijj_sm.jpg) Photo Shershnevskijj
Gooseberry Shershnevskijj characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet the size of the fruit: average (from 3 to 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: high (more 1.5 m)
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![Photo Kurshu Dzintars characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/87_84_kurshu_dzintars_sm.jpg) Photo Kurshu Dzintars
Gooseberry Kurshu Dzintars characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: yellow taste: sweet the size of the fruit: average (from 3 to 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: medium (from 1 to 1.5 m)
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![Photo Seyanec Smeny characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/92_89_seyanec_smeny_sm.jpg) Photo Seyanec Smeny
Gooseberry Seyanec Smeny characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet the size of the fruit: big (more 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: medium (from 1 to 1.5 m)
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![Photo Zhostaberri characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/93_91_zhostaberri_sm.jpg) Photo Zhostaberri
Gooseberry Zhostaberri characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: black taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: big (more 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: high (more 1.5 m)
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![Photo Lepaan Red characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/96_98_lepaan_red_sm.jpg) Photo Lepaan Red
Gooseberry Lepaan Red characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: red taste: sweet and sour the size of the fruit: average (from 3 to 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high plant height: medium (from 1 to 1.5 m)
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![Photo Uralskijj besshipnyjj characteristics](/pic/garden_gooseberries/98_100_uralskijj_besshipnyjj_sm.jpg) Photo Uralskijj besshipnyjj
Gooseberry Uralskijj besshipnyjj characteristics and growing
ripening period: late berry color: green taste: sweet the size of the fruit: big (more 5 g) use: universal hardiness: high
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