Rajčice 🍅 kultivar Barkhatnyjj sezon Foto, uzgajanje i opis, karakteristike i uzgoj

Rajčice kultivar Barkhatnyjj sezon

Foto Rajčice kultivar Barkhatnyjj sezon

Rajčice kultivar Barkhatnyjj sezon Foto

opis i karakteristike:

visina biljkeod 50 do 100 cm
veličina voćavelike
okuss kiselo
forma plodovaokrugla

Barkhatnyjj sezon uzgoj, uzgajanje i briga:

metoda rastućeuniverzalan
vrijeme sazrijevanjapano (od 100 do 110 dana)

*Neke karakteristike su relevantne za umjerenu klimu

Možeš kupiti Rajčice kultivar Barkhatnyjj sezon u online trgovinama (sjemena i sadnice).

Pomozite projektu! Podijelite ga! Hvala vam!


Pomozite projektu: Hvala vam!

1,99 € (0,10 € / stück)

3,19 € (0,13 € / stück)

16,46 €

1,95 €

10,99 €

6,42 €

3,43 € (3,43 € / Stück)

1,99 € (0,10 € / stück)

2,95 €

6,35 € (0,53 € / stück)

4,90 €

10,95 € (78,21 € / kg)
$4.95 San Marzano Tomato Seeds for Planting Heirloom Non-GMO Seeds for Home Garden Vegetables Makes a Great Gift for Gardening by Gardeners Basics
$7.37 ($0.15 / Count) Burpee Early Girl Tomato Seeds 50 seeds
$4.49 75+ Pink Brandywine Heirloom Tomato Seeds
$2.99 ($0.30 / Count) Sweetest Cherry Tomato Seeds for Planting-Orange Sun Gold.Non GMO Garden Seeds for Planting Vegetables Seeds at Home Vegetable Garden and Hydroponics Seed Pods:10ct Sungold Cherry Tomato Plant Seeds
$2.89 ($40.99 / Ounce) ***Mixed Seeds!!!*** This is A Mix!!! 30+ Giant Tomato Seeds, Mix of 22 Varieties, Heirloom Non-GMO, US Grown, Brandywine Black, Red, Yellow & Pink, Mr. Stripey, Old German, Black Krim, from USA
$4.39 Abe Lincoln Heirloom Tomato Seeds- 50+


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chudovo.org © 2024-2025 uzgoj, uzgajanje i briga, dizajn krajolika
Vrtne Cvjetovi, Ukrasne grmovi i drveta, Unutarnja Biljka (Sobne biljke)
Vrtne Cvjetovi, Ukrasne Biljke, Kaktusi i sukulenti
Cvatući grmovi i drveta, Unutarnja Biljka (Sobne biljke)
Foto, opis i karakteristike, Traži
Vrtne Cvjetovi, Ukrasne Biljke