2 (-45 að -40°c), 3 (-40 að -34°c), 4 (-34 að -29°c), 5 (-29 að -23°c), 6 (-23 að -18°c), 7 (-18 að -12°c), 8 (-12 að -7°c), 9 (-7 að -1°c), 10 (-1 að +4°c)
skjól í vetur
skjól er ekki krafist
notkun landslag (landslag hönnun)
blóm rúm, landamæri, rokk garður
aðferð við ræktun
ekki ungplöntur
ljós þarfir
hálf skugga, fullur sól
sýrustig jarðvegs
basískur jarðvegur, hlutlaus jarðvegi
clayey jarðvegi, sandy jarðvegi
vatn þarfir
lítil, meðallagi
*Sumir einkenni eiga við um hitastig loftslags
Hægt er að kaupa garður blóm Soapwort (Saponaria) í vefverslanir (fræ og ungplöntur).
$19.99 Paint & Plant Flower Growing Kit for Kids - Best Birthday Crafts Gifts for Girls & Boys Age 4, 5, 6, 7, 8-12 Year Old Girl Christmas Gift - Childrens Gardening Kits, Art Projects Toys for Ages 4-12
$11.99 ($0.00 / Count) Seed Needs, Bird and Butterfly Wildflower Mixture (99% Pure Live Seed) Bulk Package of 30,000 Seeds
$24.99 Little Planters Paint & Grow Fairy Garden with Real Flowers and Magical Fairies - Paint, Plant and Grow Morning Glory, Marigold and Alyssum Flowers - Craft Kit for Kids All Ages Both Girls and Boys
$38.33 ($3.19 / Count) Easy to Grow Houseplants (12 Pack) Live House Plants in Plant Containers, Growers Choice Plant Set in Planters with Potting Soil Mix, Home Décor Planting Kit or Outdoor Garden Gifts by Plants for Pets
$10.88 Petunia Seeds80000+Pcs 'Colour-Themed Collection'(Rainbow Colors) Perennial Flower Mix Seeds,Flowers All Summer Long,Hanging Flower Seeds Ideal for Pot
$9.99 Texas Bluebonnet Seeds (Lupinus texensis) - Over 1,000 Premium Seeds - by 'createdbynature'