Stofublóm Washingtonia tré, grænt
www.hardypalmtrees.com grænt |
Stofublóm Washingtonia mynd
lýsing og einkenni:
sm lit | grænt |
planta hæð (cm) | hærri 150 cm |
blaða form | palmately |
tegund af stofni | reisa |
eitruð planta | ekki eitruð planta |
tegundir plantna | tré |
inni plöntur Washingtonia tré vaxandi, ræktun og umönnun:
staðsetning álversins | suður glugga |
vaxandi flókið | auðvelt |
hvíldartími | ekki |
ljós þarfir | fullur sól |
tíðni vökva | meðallagi |
loftraki | rök |
Hægt er að kaupa Stofublóm Washingtonia í vefverslanir (fræ og ungplöntur).
verslun: Stofublóm
Vinsamlegast hjálpaðu verkefninu! Vinsamlegast deila því! Þakka þér fyrir!
Vinsamlegast hjálpaðu verkefninu:
Þakka þér fyrir!
 14,95 € (29,90 € / l)
 14,95 € (29,90 € / l)
 6,16 € (24,64 € / l)
 9,95 € (39,80 € / Liter)
 28,76 € (28,76 € / l)
 6,14 €
 8,50 € (8,50 € / l)
 24,96 € (24,96 € / l)
 13,90 € (5,56 € / KG)
 6,99 € (13,98 € / l)
 10,99 €
 5,90 € (11,80 € / l)
$22.99 Indoor Plant Food: All-Purpose Ready-to-use Fertilizer for houseplants. 8 Liquid Ounces. Great for Your pothos, Peace Lily, Spider Plant, Ferns, Palms, ficus, African Violets, Cactus and More!
$19.99 Houseplant Multivitamin - Vitamin D for Plants! Premium Liquid Fertilizer and Indoor Plant Food with Trace Nutrients and Vitamins
$34.73 Greendigs Peperomia Plant in White Ceramic Fluted 5-Inch Pot - Pet-Friendly Houseplant, Pre-potted with Premium Soil
$13.98 ($0.58 / Ounce) Earth's Ally 3-in-1 Plant Spray | Insecticide, Fungicide & Spider Mite Control, Use on Indoor Houseplants and Outdoor Plants, Gardens & Trees - Insect & Pest Repellent & Antifungal Treatment, 24oz
$10.19 BioAdvanced 701710 8-11-5 Fertilizer with Imidacloprid Plant Food Plus Insect Control Spikes, 10
$19.12 Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix, Indoor Plant Food & Leaf Shine - Bundle of Potting Soil (6 qt.), Liquid Plant Food (8 oz.) & Leaf Shine (8 oz.) for Growing, Fertilizing & Cleaning Houseplants
Notaðu formið hér að neðan til að velja:
chudovo.org © 2023-2024 vaxandi, ræktun og umönnun, landslag hönnun
garður blóm, skraut runnar og tré, Stofublóm (inni plöntur)
garður blóm, skraut plöntur