$49.99 Voluntary Purchasing Group Vpg Fertilome Gallon Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench
$89.98 Brush Grubber BG-16 Shrub/Clump Grubber
$75.98 BioAdvanced 701915A 12 Month Tree and Shrub Feed Fertilizer with Insect Protection, 1-Gallon, Concentrate
$47.74 3 Gal. Bloomerang Dark Purple Reblooming Lilac (Syringa) Live Shrub, Purple Flowers
$42.97 Jubilation Gardenia (2 Gallon) Flowering Evergreen Shrub with Fragrant White Blooms - Full Sun to Part Shade Live Outdoor Plant / Bush - Southern Living Plants
$46.98 Loropetalum 'Plum Delight' - Chinese Fringe Flower - 10 Live Plants - Evergreen Flowering Shrub