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$16.23 Plants for Pets Live Bromeliad Plant, Cryptanthus Bivittatus Bromeliads, Potted Houseplants with Planter Pot, Perennial Plants for Home Décor or Outdoor Garden, Fully Rooted in Potting Soil
$19.35 Miracle-Gro 100055 Indoor Plant Food, (3)
$13.97 ($0.87 / oz) Indoor Plant Food by E Z-GRO 15-30-15 (PT) | Liquid Plant Food for Your Indoor Plants | Our Liquid Fertilizer Increases Bud Set in Flowering | Our Indoor Plant Fertilizer has High Phosphorus Level
$14.95 Emily's Naturals Neem Oil Plant Spray Kit, Makes 48oz | Natural Spray for Garden and House Plants | Safe and Biodegradable
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აყვავებული ბუჩქების და ხეების, სახლი მცენარეთა (შიდა მცენარეები) სურათი, აღწერა და მახასიათებლები, ძებნა
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