$22.99 Indoor Plant Food: All-Purpose Ready-to-use Fertilizer for houseplants. 8 Liquid Ounces. Great for Your pothos, Peace Lily, Spider Plant, Ferns, Palms, ficus, African Violets, Cactus and More!
$5.25 Jobes Houseplant Food Spikes (1) (Multi)
$15.11 Espoma 8 Ounce Concentrated Organic Indoor Plant Food - Indoor Plant Fertilizer For Large & Small Plants Like Pothos, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Monstera, Snake & Palms - Pack of 2
$19.99 Premium Orchid Food Fertilizer Spray by Houseplant Resource Center - Grow Beautiful and Exotic Orchids with Ease - Ready-to-Use Custom NPK Ratio is The Perfectly Balanced Orchid Food and Won't Burn
$24.99 AlgoPlus for Houseplants - Perfectly Balanced Liquid Fertilizer for Healthier, More Robust, Indoor Plants - 1L Bottle w/ Measuring Cup
$29.95 Elm Dirt Plant Booster for All Plants (1 Bottle)
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აყვავებული ბუჩქების და ხეების, სახლი მცენარეთა (შიდა მცენარეები) სურათი, აღწერა და მახასიათებლები, ძებნა
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