Prašome padėti projektui!Prašome pasidalinti ja!Ačiū!
Prašome padėti projektui:
14,99 €
19,50 €
11,98 €
11,99 €
7,95 €
3,45 € (13,80 € / l)
8,49 € (4,24 € / kg)
7,95 €
16,99 € (5,66 € / stück)
5,49 € (1,37 € / l)
12,99 € (2,60 € / l)
4,95 € (24,75 € / l)
$8.97 Succulents & Cactus Plant Food - Gentle Long Lasting Formula, Slow Release Fertilizer (Liquid Alternative) for All Potted Succulent, Cacti & Aloe Vera Plants (5 oz)
$18.99 Miracle-Gro Cactus, Palm & Citrus Potting Mix and Succulent Plant Food - Bundle of Potting Soil (8 qt.) and Liquid Plant Food (8 oz.) for Growing and Fertilizing Indoor Succulents
$10.00 Southern Ag PowerPak 20-20-20 Water Soluble Fertilizer with micronutrients (1 LB)
$1.16 Miracle-Gro Pour & Feed Singles Ready-To-Use Liquid Plant Food - Pre-Measured Liquid Plant Fertilizer for Potted Plants, 2 oz. Singles
$11.97 Succulent Kit Roll Organizer Gardening Tool Set | Terrarium Supplies Mini Succulent Garden Tool Kit | Heavy Duty Succulent Bonsai Planter Set Indoor Gardening | Fairy Zen Kit for Soil Fertilizer Seeds
Sodo Gėlės, Dekoratyviniai Augalai, Namas Kaktusai ir Sukulentai
Žydintys Krūmai ir Medžiai, Kambariniai Augalai (Vidinis augalai) Nuotrauka, aprašymas ir charakteristikos, Ieškoti