Daleki Wschód, Północny zachód Rosji, Południe Rosji, Centrum Rosji, Syberia
*Niektóre cechy są istotne dla umiarkowanego klimatu
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17,45 €
$9.00 50+ Grape Seeds Vine Fruit Seed Fruit Plant Home Garden Non-GMO
$15.99 15 Seeds of Purple Black Muscadine Grape
$9.09 20+ Red Concord Grape Seeds - Grow Grape Vines for Wine Making, Fruit Dessert - Made in USA, Ships from Iowa.
$14.95 Hardy Kiwi Seeds (Actinidia arguta) 20+ Rare Cold-Tolerant Tropical Fruit Seeds in FROZEN SEED CAPSULES for The Gardener & Rare Seeds Collector - Plant Seeds Now or Save Seeds for Years