$13.97 Organic Houseplant Food - Organic Liquid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants- Natural & Organic All-Purpose Houseplant Fertilizer for Common Houseplants
$5.25 Jobes Houseplant Food Spikes (1) (Multi)
$7.99 Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food 6-2-4 | Liquid Houseplant Fig Tree | Bottle Lasts Twice as Long as Other competitors
$16.20 Miracle-Gro Tropical Houseplant Food - Liquid Fertilizer for Tropical Houseplants, 8 fl. oz.
$8.75 House Plant Fertilizer - Complete Slow Release Formula + Micro Nutrients by PowerGrow - Feeds Houseplants for 8 Months and Includes Over a Year Supply (6oz (1 House Plant Fertilizer Bag))
$19.99 Grab Bag Pack Small & Medium Air Plants - Fertilizer Packet - Wholesale - Bulk - Live Tillandsia - Easy Care House Plant - Succulents (Pack of 10)