$16.71 4.5 in. qt. Sprinter Boxwood (Buxus) Live Evergreen Shrub, Green Foliage
$147.01 National Tree Company Artificial Shrub | Includes Pot Base | Upright Juniper - 30 Inch
$14.39 Shake 'N Feed Flowering Trees and Shrubs Plant Food
$113.18 Coretect Tree & Shrub Tablets Insecticide - 250 Tablets per bottle
$26.24 Beyond Midnight Bluebeard (Caryopteris) Live Shrub, Blue Flowers and Glossy Green Foliage, 1 Gallon
$28.99 Spring Sonata Indian Hawthorne (2 Gallon) Flowering Evergreen Shrub with White Blooms - Full Sun to Part Shade Live Outdoor Plant - Southern Living Plants
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