$49.99 Voluntary Purchasing Group Vpg Fertilome Gallon Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench
$27.56 Miracle Gro Garden Soil Trees & Shrubs
$26.90 Proven Winners HIBPRC2416101 White Pillar Live Shrub, 1-Gallon
$51.12 ($0.16 / Ounce) Fertilome (10865) Tree and Shrub Food 19-8-10 (20 lbs.)
$36.98 Red Diamond Loropetalum (2 Gallon) Flowering Evergreen Shrub with Purple Foliage - Full Sun to Part Shade Live Outdoor Plant - Southern Living Plants
$84.98 Winter Green Korean Boxwood - 20 Live Plants - Buxus Microphylla - Fast Growing Cold Hardy Formal Evergreen Shrub
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