$56.95 ($1.19 / oz) Keyfit Tools Tree Fertilizer Spike Land Staker 2.0 Get Your Fertilizer Spikes 1 Foot Deeper for Deep Root Tree & Shrub Fertilizing ~Or use Your own granular Fertilizer Does NOT Come with fert Spikes
$64.60 Pro Trust Products 71255 Plant 15.6-Number 21-5-12 Tree and Shrub Prof Fertilizer
$34.99 Jobe's Tree Fertilizer Spikes, 16-4-4 Time Release Fertilizer for All Shrubs & Trees, 15 Spikes per Package - 2
$19.84 Miracle-Gro Fertilizer Spikes for Trees and Shrubs, 12 Pack (Not Sold in Pinellas County, FL)
$27.25 Needlepoint Holly - Size: 1 Gallon, Live Plant, Includes Special Blend Fertilizer & Planting Guide
Садовые Цветы, Декоративные Растения, Домашние Кактусы и Суккуленты
Красиво-цветущие Кустарники и Деревья, Домашние Растения (Комнатные Растения) Фото, описание и характеристика, Поиск