Akvarijske Ribice Blue Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata haraldi) fotografija, gojenje in opis, značilnosti in nega

Akvarijske Ribice Blue Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata haraldi), svetlo modra

latinsko ime: Symphysodon aequifasciata haraldi

fotografija Akvarijske Ribice Blue Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata haraldi), svetlo modra
svetlo modra

Akvarijske Ribice Blue Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata haraldi) fotografija

opis in značilnosti:

habitatsladkovodne ribe
dolžina rib10-20 cm
barva ribsvetlo modra
telo oblika ribokrogla

Blue Discus rast in nega:

združljivostakvarij vrste
stopnja negoza izkušene akvarist
plasti habitata v akvarijusrednji sloj
svetlobne potrebeutišan
temperatura vode27-28°c
tip akvarijaodprt
minimalna velikost akvarijane manj kot 200 litrov
dno v akvarijuprodnata

Lahko kupite Akvarijske Ribice Blue Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata haraldi) v spletnih trgovinah.

katalog: Akvarijske Ribice

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Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!


Prosim, pomagajte projektu: Hvala vam!

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34,22 €

0,00 €

2,90 €

15,99 €

74,99 €

1,99 €

3,85 €

11,98 € (2,00 € / stück)

9,95 €

4,65 €

14,99 €

11,99 €

15,45 €

11,99 €
$159.95 AquaSprouts Garden, Self-Sustaining Desktop Aquarium Aquaponics Ecosystem Kit, fits Standard 10 Gallon Aquariums
$1,989.00 Vepotek Aqualic 360 Acrylic Aquarium Cylinder Fish Tank 70 Gallons w/LED Light & Sump Tank for Tropical Fresh Water Or Salt Walter (Glossy Black)
$319.99 Landen 60H 30 Gallon Rimless Low Iron Aquarium Tank, 23.6" W × 17.7" D × 17.7" H (60cm x 45cm x 45cm) 8mm Thickness with Black Nano Foam Leveling mat Included 111006
$29.99 Aquarium Corals: Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History: Selection, Husbandry and Natural History
$56.99 REIRQIE Large Fish Tank Decorations, Mountain View Aquarium Ornament Tree House Cave Bridge Fish Tank Decoration
$9.99 LEFVNPETS Aquarium Decoration, Resin Broken Barrel Fish Tank Ornament, Betta Fish Accessories Aquatic Caves Hide Hut for up to 20 Gallon Tank
$2.00 FishCo
$135.00 Penn-Plax Striped Sail Shipwreck Aquarium Decoration 2PC Large Over 19 Inches High for Large Fish Tanks, Multi (RR961)


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