Akvarijske Ribice Threadfin Events (Acarichthys heckelii) fotografija, gojenje in opis, značilnosti in nega

Akvarijske Ribice Threadfin Events (Acarichthys heckelii), srebrna

angleščina ime: Threadfin Acara

latinsko ime: Acarichthys heckelii

fotografija Akvarijske Ribice Threadfin Events (Acarichthys heckelii), srebrna

Akvarijske Ribice Threadfin Events (Acarichthys heckelii) fotografija

opis in značilnosti:

habitatsladkovodne ribe
dolžina rib10-20 cm
barva ribsrebrna
telo oblika ribpodolgovata

Threadfin Events rast in nega:

združljivostz velikim mirne ribe
stopnja negozmerno
plasti habitata v akvarijuspodnji sloj, srednji sloj
svetlobne potreberaztresene
temperatura vodeblizu 25°c
tip akvarijazapri
minimalna velikost akvarijane manj kot 200 litrov
dno v akvarijuprodnata, grobi pesek

Lahko kupite Akvarijske Ribice Threadfin Events (Acarichthys heckelii) v spletnih trgovinah.

katalog: Akvarijske Ribice

Port Events
Port Events
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Surinamen Geophagus
Green Terror
Green Terror
Denison Barb
Denison Barb
Zlato Barb
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Kačjega Barb

Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!


Prosim, pomagajte projektu: Hvala vam!

1,29 €

0,00 €

7,99 €

20,39 €

4,29 €

69,95 €

109,00 €

3,85 €

12,99 €

14,99 €

0,00 €

13,99 €

12,99 €

29,49 €

14,99 €
$0.00 Seattle Aquarium Flash Briefing
$40.00 Meet your favorite exotic animals live and up close!
$12.97 Things Change
$12.98 Small Town Hymns
$55.00 Penn-Plax Castle Aquarium Decoration Hand Painted with Realistic Details Over 14.5 Inches High Part A
$7.99 Baby and Kids DVD - Goldfish Aquarium shot in HD with long Scenes
$12.79 ALEGI Aquarium Tree Stump Hole for Betta Fish Toys,Rock Cave Cichlid Stone Betta Fish Accessories 10, 20 Gallon Fish Tank Decorations, Aquarium Rocks Decor
$5.99 Jellyfish Adult Coloring Book: Amazing Jellyfish Coloring Book for Adult Featuring Beautiful Jellyfish Design With Stress Relief and Relaxation


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