Bučke razred Zastolnyjj svetlyjj
Bučke razred Zastolnyjj svetlyjj fotografija
opis in značilnosti:
masa več 3 kg
barve bela
oblika plodov cilindrična
izvora razred
Zastolnyjj svetlyjj rast, gojenje in nega:
*Nekatere značilnosti so pomembne za zmerno podnebje
Lahko kupite Bučke razred Zastolnyjj svetlyjj v spletnih trgovinah (semena in sadike).
Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!
Prosim, pomagajte projektu:
Hvala vam!
3,35 €
9,99 € (9,99 € / count)
3,35 €
1,70 €
2,29 €
1,99 € (0,20 € / stück)
2,60 €
2,59 €
3,59 €
3,49 €
0,19 €
1,69 €
$39.99 ($0.00 / Count) Over 34,000 Seeds!! Set of 40 Individual Vegetable, Herb & Melon Seed Packs Perfect for Planting A Deluxe Home/Survival Garden Indoor/Outdoor. Heirloom-100% Non-GMO! USA Packaged. by B&KM Farms.
$39.99 Vegetable Garden Starter Kit – 250+ Vegetable Seeds with Germination Seed Starter Tray, Soil, Markers, & Grow Guide - Vegetable Indoor Garden Kit - Indoor Seedling Seed Starter Kits
$3.45 David's Garden Seeds Zucchini Summer Melody 9112 (Multi) 50 Non-GMO, Heirloom Seeds
$9.99 Survival Garden Seeds Zucchini & Squash Collection Seed Vault - Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds for Planting Vegetables - Assortment of Golden, Round, Black Beauty Zucchinis and Straight Neck Summer Squash
$4.95 David's Garden Seeds Squash Winter Cha-Cha 8374 (Black) 25 Non-GMO, Hybrid Seeds
$5.99 Gaea's Blessing Seeds - Zucchini Seeds - Non-GMO - with Easy to Follow Planting Instructions - Heirloom Black Beauty Summer Squash 97% Germination Rate
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