Hruška 🍐 razred Rusanovskaya fotografija, gojenje in opis, značilnosti in rast

Hruška razred Rusanovskaya

fotografija Hruška razred Rusanovskaya

Hruška razred Rusanovskaya fotografija

opis in značilnosti:

barva lupinerumena-roza
velikost plodusrédnja (od 100 do 150 g)
tip krošnjevisoka

Rusanovskaya rast, gojenje in nega:

obdobje zorenjapoletje
zimska trdnostsrédnja
starost pridelkaod 5 do 7 let

*Nekatere značilnosti so pomembne za zmerno podnebje

Lahko kupite Hruška razred Rusanovskaya v spletnih trgovinah (semena in sadike).

Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!


Prosim, pomagajte projektu: Hvala vam!

8,95 €

28,76 €

15,90 €

8,95 € (35,80 € / l)

32,99 € (4,12 € / kg)

21,90 € (2,19 € / KG)

48,62 € (1,94 € / kg)

19,95 € (19,95 € / l)

12,95 €

12,71 €

11,15 € (15,93 € / kg)

14,84 € (5,94 € / kg)
$32.32 Scotts Evergreen , Tree & Shrub Food 11-7-7 Granules Continuous Release 3 Lb.
$19.97 BioAdvanced 701810A Systemic Plant Fertilizer and Insecticide with Imidacloprid 12 Month Tree & Shrub Protect & Feed, 32 oz, Concentrate
$36.95 Indian River Organics Fish & Kelp Blend Fish Fertilizer - OMRI Listed Organic Fertilizer 1 Gallon (128 oz) - Liquid Organic Fish and Kelp for Turf, Flowers, Shrubs, Plants, Fruits & Vegetables. Great for Everything that Grows!
$22.13 Royal Purple LIRIOPE - Size: 1 Gallon, Live Plant, Includes Special Blend Fertilizer & Planting Guide
$45.00 8-2-12 Palm Fertilizer - 25LBS. Palm,Trees and Shrub Fertilizer. Slow Release Fertilizer, UF Blend
$26.99 GEMPLER'S Liquid Iron Supplement for Plants – Commercial Grade Chelated Iron for Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Crops - 1 Gallon


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