Krompírji 🥔 razred Krasa fotografija, gojenje in opis, značilnosti in rast

Krompírji razred Krasa

fotografija Krompírji razred Krasa

Krompírji razred Krasa fotografija

opis in značilnosti:

barva celulozekrema
oblika plodovovalna
gladkost krompirjeve kožegladka

Krasa rast, gojenje in nega:

obdobje zorenjazgodaj (od 70 do 90 dni)
regija gojenjani podatka

*Nekatere značilnosti so pomembne za zmerno podnebje

Lahko kupite Krompírji razred Krasa v spletnih trgovinah (semena in sadike).

Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!


Prosim, pomagajte projektu: Hvala vam!

9,99 €

15,99 €

10,99 €

8,78 €

15,99 €

11,73 €

0,01 €

12,98 €

1,95 €

7,09 €

2,05 €

4,80 €
$17.99 Simply Seed - 5 LB - Red Pontiac Potato Seed - Non GMO - Naturally Grown - Order Now for Spring Planting
$10.99 ($0.22 / Count) Sweet Potato Seeds, 50Pcs Purple Sweet Potato Seeds Nutrition Delicious Vegetable Bonsai Plants, Flower Seeds Plant Seeds Sweet Potato 50pcs
$17.50 Red Pontiac Seed Potato - Everybody's Favorite Red Potato - Includes one 2-lb Bag - Can't Ship to States of ID, ME, MT, or NE
$19.99 Kennebec Seed Potato - Productive and Easy to Grow - Includes one 2-lb Bag - Can't Ship to States of ID, ME, MT, or NE
$15.99 GROWNEER 6 Packs 7 Gallons Grow Bags Potato Planter Bag with Access Flap and Handles, Planting Grow Bags Fabric Pots for Grow Vegetables, Potato, Carrot, Onion, with 15 Pcs Plant Labels
$7.50 French Fingerling Potato 6 Tubers - Heirloom


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