Jagodnjak 🍓 razred Manill fotografija, gojenje in opis, značilnosti in rast

Jagodnjak razred Manill

fotografija Jagodnjak razred Manill

Jagodnjak razred Manill fotografija

opis in značilnosti:

barva jagodrdeča
okussládki in kísli
velikost plodusrédnja (od 10 do 20 g)

Manill rast, gojenje in nega:

obdobje zorenjazgodaj
zimska trdnostvisoka
obdobje pridelkane remontanna (not remontant)

*Nekatere značilnosti so pomembne za zmerno podnebje

Lahko kupite Jagodnjak razred Manill v spletnih trgovinah (semena in sadike).

Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!


Prosim, pomagajte projektu: Hvala vam!

10,63 €

11,96 €

6,07 €

3,95 € (3,95 € / stück)

0,01 €

1,49 €

2,99 €

4,45 €

7,15 € (143,00 € / kg)

5,30 €

1,99 € (0,04 € / stück)

2,95 €
$7.99 ($0.05 / Count) MOCCUROD 150pcs Giant Strawberry Seeds Evergreening Plant Fruit Seeds Sweet and Delicious
$7.89 Natural Fruit Seeds Arbutus Unedo Seeds Strawberry Tree 10Pcs
$10.88 Red Strawberry Climbing Strawberry Fruit Plant Seeds Home Garden New 300 pcs
$33.99 ($0.00 / Count) Over 17,000 Seeds!! Set of 40 Vegetable, Herb & Melon Seeds Perfect for Planting Your Deluxe Home or Survival Garden Indoors/Outdoors. Heirloom-100% Non-GMO, Non-Hybrid! USA Packaged. by B&KM Farms.
$10.29 White Strawberry Seeds - 500+ Seeds - White Pineberry Seeds - Made in USA, Ships from Iowa.
$38.83 ($0.97 / Count) Ultimate Set of 40 Vegetable and Herb Seeds Packets for Planting Outdoors and Indoors - Good for Hydroponic Garden - Heirloom and Non GMO - Tomatoes, Cucumber, Bell Pepper, Chives, Cilantro and Others


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